Sunday, December 12, 2010

Starting a Gratitude Journal

With this post, I am blowing dust off of my personal blog. Perhaps this is getting a head start on New Year's resolutions? This post also heeds the advice of several of my favorite blogs. Penelope Trunk, Bryan Caplan, and Gretchen Rubin cite research that a gratitude journal can help you be happier. I can certainly use reminders of the blessings and good things in my life, so I'm going to give it a try.

Gratitude Journal - what I'm grateful for today:
  • Getting out ahead of the storm.
  • Snow.
  • Staying in the same hotel as my conference. I can enjoy the power and beauty of a winter storm from the comfort of my hotel room.
  • The generosity of colleagues. John and I have good company for a long drive.
  • How easy it is to read good, interesting ideas. It's inspired me to write this post.
 I'll post my journal here when possible (and appropriate). I encourage you to do the same in the comments. You can also start one and share links in the comments. Let's do this together.

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